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What is dental implant?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed in the jawbone to restore the function and esthetics of missing teeth. It is a much safer, functional, and comfortable treatment compared to traditional veneers, bridges, and palate prostheses.

Prostheses made on implants replace real teeth and create a natural structure. While missing teeth are being completed, healthy teeth are not touched. Compared to all prostheses, it is much longer lasting.

Dental Implant/veneer Type

Implant NTA
Bone Graft / Bone Meal
Sinus Lift / Sinus Removal
All-on-6 Dental Implants
All-on-4 Dental Implants
Complete or Partial Denture (for each jaw)/Prosthetic tooth
Lumineers/Veneer made for esthetic purposes without causing damage to the tooth surface
Composite Veneers/Composite leaf tooth veneer applied by making processes such as reduction and rasp on the tooth surface
Porcelain Veneers/Porcelain leaf tooth veneer applied by making processes such as reduction and rasp on the tooth surface
Dental Veneers/Leaf tooth veneer applied with processes such as reduction and rasp on the tooth surface

What are the techni̇ques used İn implant treatment?

All on four implant technique

Dental implants are the most effective solution for patients suffering from missing teeth. Dental implants look like your own natural teeth and perform their functions like them.

The All on Four technique is a technique that allows the fixation of the dental prosthesis on the same day on four dental implants placed at certain angles in the mouth of patients with no teeth.

First of all, radiological examinations are performed for the patients whose treatment is planned. A suitable planning is made for the patient by taking measurements on computerized tomography (CT).

This treatment consists of two stages as surgery and dental prosthesis procedures. After 4 dental implants are placed on the patient as planned on the day of treatment, the temporary dental prosthesis is fixed on the dental implants within 36 hours. Permanent dental prostheses are applied to the patient 3 months later.

Post-implant recovery process

During the operation, general or local anesthesia can be used according to the patient’s preference. After the operation, there is a pain similar to the pain after tooth extraction. This pain, which can usually be heard on the evening of the implant placement, can be relieved with mild painkillers. When the treatment is completed without any problems, even the presence of implants is not felt.


What are the advantages of implant treatment?

Better esthetic appearance
Better chewing
A happier social life by regaining self-confidence
A healthier and more balanced diet based on being able to eat everything

How long do implants last?

It has been observed that the implants remain in the mouth for up to thirty years without any problems. If you do the necessary care, you can use the implants for a lifetime

Do implants have a cancer risk?

No evidence has been found in the medical literature showing that implants cause cancer.

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