Filling treatment, which is a popular medical aesthetic application, is often performed with fillers containing hyaluronic acid.
The filling process, which is almost a non-surgical face aesthetic, is a very sensitive and painstaking application. The specific filler should be used in the area where the application will be made. The under-eye light filling is a filling that is very thin and contains pure hyaluronic acid.
Jawline, chin filler and cheek filler are more rigid to provide better contours.
In lip filler, medium-hardness fillers are applied that will make the lip moister. Depending on the characteristics of the area to be treated, the doctor injects and places the filler slowly to prevent bruising and gives a light massage to the area.
In addition to these, fat cells taken from the belly or thigh areas of the patient can also be applied to the face after certain procedures. Since the patient’s own body tissue is used in this method, which is called fat injection to the face, the risk of allergic reaction is minimized, and permanence is ensured for many years.