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What is a prosthesis process?

An oval and significant butt with a thin waist is a desirable body shape for women. Many women think their butt area is not defined enough or is out of shape.

Full, upright and not deflated breast look, which are desired in the breast area, is the wish of every woman.

Prosthesis surgery is a procedure that is performed not only for the breast and buttocks but also for the chin tip.

Butt implant (buttock prosthesis)

Although different methods have been tried in enlarging and shaping the buttock area, the most preferred method in terms of patient safety and satisfaction is the butt implant which means buttock prosthesis. Recently, butt fat injection has been a preferable method, but it has problems such as the need for more than one application to ensure adequate growth and loss of volume over time. On the other hand, silicone buttock prostheses provide the desired size permanently and offer the patient options for the desired hip shape.

Breast implant (breast prosthesis)

Breast prostheses are balloon-like structures prepared in the shape of a breast. There are also round, and drop-shaped ones called anatomical. One of them is selected in accordance with the situation in the patient’s breast and the patient is provided with the breasts they dream of.

Chin implant (chin prosthesis)

The tip of the chin, like the tip of the nose, is one of the two most important structures that make up the facial profile and should be proportional and compatible with the other parts of the face. With the application we call profiloplasty, chin tip aesthetics is often performed in combination with nose operations.
If the tip of the chin is behind the nose during the aesthetic nose operation, the proportion between the nose and the chin is provided with the prosthesis placed on the tip of the chin. With the placed chin prosthesis, the jowl appearance is also corrected. In addition to being simple and safe, this operation is an easy procedure that provides serious improvement and rejuvenation in facial aesthetics.

What are the techniques used in prosthesis procedures?

Chin Prosthesis: The chin implant is placed through a small incision made inside the mouth or under the chin.

Breast Prosthesis: An incision is made in such a way that it remains within the under-breast fold and a silicone breast implant is placed in the created pocket. The scar formed after the surgeries performed with this technique will not be obvious as it will remain inside the fold.

Buttock Prosthesis: In butt implant surgeries, approximately 5 cm incisions are made from the coccyx and the prosthesis is placed into the muscles of the buttock. Thus, the upper part of the butt is given fullness and an attractive appearance.

In which situations should I have a prosthesis procedure?

Breast Prosthesis: People who have small breasts can have this procedure for augmentation in their breasts and those who have breasts that are not shaped properly can undergo the procedure to give them a proper form.

Butt Prosthesis: If the person is thin and does not have enough fat in their body, therefore they do not have a full butt and want a permanent and effective method to solve the problem, it would be the right decision to apply prosthesis.

Chin Prosthesis: When looking at the profile of the face, if the tip of the chin is behind the nose and the person has a jowl appearance, a chin prosthesis can be applied.


How long is the life of the breast prosthesis?

Today, the duration of a prosthesis in the body is ten to fifteen years.

Is there an age limit for butt prosthesis?

Butt prosthesis is generally applied to patients aged between 20-30. As long as the general condition of the patient allows, there is no upper age limit for prosthetic surgery.

How long does chin tip prosthesis surgery take?

Prosthesis placement in chin tip aesthetics is performed under general anesthesia and takes an average of 1 hour

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